On-stage members of DCM Drama Club pose "in character" for the 2024 production of "The Play That Goes Wrong".
Find your people in one of our many extracurricular club opportunities!
Book Club:
Book Club is a space for students to come and discuss books they are reading or intend to read. It is open to anyone who wants to talk to other students or get book recommendations. There are no assigned books for the club to read which allows students to open up about any book they are reading. They sometimes play games related to certain books just to spruce it up a little. If you would like to join, Mr. Mac is the guy to see!
Drama Club:
Drama Club allows students to unlock their inner actor or actress (or director… or stage manager… you get it…)! Everyone is welcome whether they want to be on the stage or be a part of the backstage crew. A source involved said that they “consider the people involved to be a family, though families always have a little bit of drama…”. The first meeting will be towards the end of October to start getting people the information they need and to get everyone pumped about it! Anyone with a willingness to perform, or support the supporters, should try drama club! All grades are welcome! If you have any more questions, find Mr. Klima or Ms. Hammond.
FBLA – Future Business Leaders of America:
FBLA is a professional student organization which stands for Future Business Leaders of America. FBLA is an opportunity for students that are interested in a business career to get a little more insight on what it would be like. There is a new opportunity for students wanting to go into sports marketing and sports production. That opportunity is using the video boards at games! If you are looking about going into business and want to expand your horizons this year, talk to Mr. Hill for more details!
FCCLA – Family, Career and Community Leaders of America:
FCCLA is a student leadership group that works to support families and the community through acts of service and good deeds. FCCLA stands for Family, Career and Community of Leaders America. FCCLA does a sock drive and a food drive every year to help this cause. The past two years, a group of students has gone to the homeless shelter and passed out socks to the people in need. New members are always welcome year round. Each meeting is 30 minutes long before or after school and is led by Mrs. Sands! If you would like to join or have any questions, talk to Mrs. Sands! Also… keep an eye out for the Socktober drive coming soon!
FCA – Fellowship of Christian Athletes:
FCA is a student-led organization that is overseen by Scott Krause. It is a place where students can expand their knowledge about scripture while also having a space to discuss certain things regarding religion, scripture, etc. Each week, a student will prepare notes, scripture reading, and questions. Long-time member Vinnie Weeks told us that FCA has helped him grow in his relationship with God and his friends. Vinnie wants everyone to know that the discussion doesn’t stop after the bell rings and continues on through the day or week. They have a meeting every week on Monday! Everyone is welcome to join just by showing up!
Gaming Club:
Gaming Club is a group of students who share similar interests in some of the same games. They have a place to meet with one another within the school! A game like Dungeons & Dragons is a popular tabletop game played while Minecraft and Terraria are games that are played online at the meetings. They are always open to recommendations of new games to be played at each of these meetings. Meetings occur every other Wednesday which are student led! Mr. Mac is their supervisor and can answer any other questions you may have!
NHS – National Honor Society:
National Honor Society is a way for students to come together and equip themselves to be leaders in the world. There are four pillars (values) of NHS which are Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. Each pillar represents something about helping your community or yourself in a beneficial way. At Dee-Mack, you must complete 10 in school and 10 out of school hours of volunteering while also maintaining a 3.5 weighted GPA. The requirements to be accepted into NHS are a weighted GPA of 3.5 and an official review of the behavior of each person who is to be inducted. This is only open to juniors and seniors that meet the requirements. NHS looks great on college applications and is a good way to branch out and try new things!
Scholastic Bowl:
The Scholastic Bowl team is a competition against another team trying to answer questions correctly to earn points. The two teams have buzzers and whoever presses the buzzer first gets the chance to answer the question asked. The two teams have buzzers and whoever presses the buzzer first gets the chance to answer the question asked. There are three major subjects: History, Science, and Literature. There are four to five players on each team. Scholastic bowl is open to anyone and everyone and begins in the winter!