As you may know, we are having a blood drive on March 11. It will be from 2nd Hour to 7th Hour. Sign up at the table by the office, and wait to be called down from your study hall or PE to donate. If you are 16, you’ll need a parental consent form to donate, but if you’re older, you don’t have to worry about it. For all of our younger students, you’re off the hook this year, but we hope to see you next time!
In the midst of a blood shortage, there is no better way to help than laying down for 10-45 minutes and donating some of your blood to those that need it. The fantastic thing about this blood drive is that it isn’t limited to high school students. People can come in from the community to donate, so you’d do well to spread the word!
The Red Cross will be offering a scholarship for the blood drive. The amount of money in the scholarship is dependent on how many units of blood we collect for the year. Students are eligible for the scholarship based on how much they have helped work the blood drive throughout their high school career. The student council sponsors then nominate the student to the Red Cross for consideration for the scholarship and the student has to answer a few questions in order to receive the scholarship. The scholarships start at $500, and our students are usually eligible for the $500 or $1000 scholarship.
For those who do donate, there will be snacks available for you after you’re done. In addition, it is advised that you don’t do any more than light exercise for the rest of the day. That means no lifting in PE and only moderate participation in games.