2025 is a year of self expression and individuality. I predict that people will feel more capable of conveying this uniqueness to others. We as humans and especially adolescents have tendencies of conformation, only doing things to satisfy the public eye. But in 2025, I hope to see more people dressing / doing things for themselves and to make them happy.
1. Bright, colorful tights
The first trend prediction is bright and colorful tights, often used in layering outfits. This adds a unique pop of color, and significantly conveys a sense of whimsy.
2. Pink zebra print
Next, is pink zebra print. A trend that began its circulation roughly around 2020, but I predict its return because of the recent popularity of 2020 fashion, including its loud and often technicolor tendencies.
3. Bright hair colors
Blue hair has always been a popular hair color choice, but is rarely seen around Dee-Mack’s hallways. I predict more loud and brightly colored hair to be normalized in 2025.
4. Pants paired with dresses
Testing the bounds of the average societal norm, I predict the outfit of long pants paired with dresses to gain popularity in 2025. This pair makes a person appear more interesting and unique.
5. Handmade crochet
In 2025, I predict that people will depend less on overconsumption, this can be done through crafting their accessories and wardrobe themselves. This can be done through methods such as crochet, giving pieces a more personalized look, as well as a gained sense of accomplishment for the user.
6. Knee high Docs
Next, is something that I have yet to see outside in public, but would love to see more in 2025. This being knee high platform Doc Marten boots.
7. Personalizing with everyday items… like buttons!
Lastly, I predict more stylized and personal additions to belongings, branding them as uniquely your own. Plain is boring. But to overcome this, we can apply an abundance of everyday items such as buttons.
In 2025, I hope for more interesting and unique styles to be developed further, that show more personality / individuality, and without remorse or fear of judgement. Everybody deserves an outlet to express themselves in ways that could bring them happiness, and ideas like these are great suggestions for those interested, and who feel the same.